A cookie is a little (text) file that is stored with permission on your computer's hard drive, tablet or smartphone by your web browser which tracks your movements within websites. Our website www.lislabels.com uses cookies for example to keep track what products and pages you like, how often you visit our website and to deliver content specific to your interests as an individual.

When you visit our website www.lislabels.com you can choose to accept or decline these cookies. Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default, but if you prefer you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies. However, keep in mind that some features and services on our and other websites may not function optimally if cookies are disabled in your browser. 

Lis Labels uses technical information and cookies to facilitate your visit on our website and to optimize your user experience. Lis Labels places functional cookies that are necessary for the website to function properly and to provide a requested customer service. Analytical cookies, such as Google Analytical Cookies, collect statistic information about the users of the website.

Examples of the functional and analytical cookies that collect data which we use to optimize our website to your needs and wishes:

  • Your user and preferred settings will be saved
  • We store any log-in data, so the website will remember these for next visits
  • The number of visitors at our website
  • Pages and products you like
  • The visited pages and the duration of your stay at our website are recorded

At our website we may also use tracking or advertising cookies. These cookies also optimize your user experience of our website. For example, we can offer you (through third parties) a relevant advertisement that suits your interests. Or if you visit our website on a regular base, we record relevant information for your convenience.

You can share on our website information via social media, via the social media buttons. The relevant social media can place cookies via these buttons. Our website may also contain links to other websites of third parties which place cookies as well. We have made agreements with third parties that place cookies about the use of cookies and applications. However, we do not have full control over what the providers of these applications themselves do with the cookies when they read them. We are not responsible for this. For more information about these applications and how they deal with cookies, please always read the privacy policy and general terms & conditions of these parties. Keep in mind that they can regularly change their policy.

If you have any further questions regarding this cookie statement, please contact us at our email address: service@lislabels.com